3 Ways To Know If a Business Is a Credit Risk
As a business owner, you likely deal with other businesses that want to purchase your products but cannot pay you at the time of the sale. Extending lines of credit to your customers could be the best solution. You may draw in more buyers if they have the option to pay you later on. Howeve...
Why Business Credit Checks Are important
The Importance of Business Credit Checks Offering credit to your customers can be a double-edged sword. Because many businesses like the flexibility of being able to pay for purchases over time, offering credit can help you gain more customers, but it can also increase your risk of not bei...
9 Top Digital Platforms for Wholesale Suppliers
When running a wholesale business, it’s important to have a website and supporting programs to increase your market size and expand your operations. There are a lot of digital platforms that cater to eCommerce businesses, but the ability to meet the unique needs of your company is what m...
Why You Should Eliminate Your Paper-Based Credit Application Process
If you are still having your customers fill out paper-based applications for credit or during the process of setting up a payment plan, it may be time to rethink your process. Do you have a reason for not switching to digital, or is it simply that you haven’t considered changing what has...