Get paid on time by clinics & pharmacies

Easily set 30-day terms and stop chasing cash with automatic billing.

Built for health, beauty & medical product suppliers

The fastest and easiest online credit applications to onboard Pharmacies, Allied Health, and Medical Clinics.

Safely capture and store payment information for seamless transactions and automated charging.

Reduce debtors by personalising invoice reminder workflows and bundle overdue invoices into payment plans.

Check out how we helped Health, Beauty & Medical Suppliers speed up payments and reduce debtors.

Frankly, any company who offers trade credit and does not use a platform like PencilPay is wasting time and money. It’s brilliant. The bank likes it, the accounts people like it, sales team like it and customers like it. It’s a win for everyone.

The reduction of stress and increase in productivity for our accounts team makes the investment worthwhile by itself, let alone the time and cost saving. The average days outstanding on invoices has dropped by over 8 days in just a few months and that’s a lot of cash in our account a lot sooner.

Linas Jarasius - Puremedic Health


Streamline payments and onboarding with PencilPay today!

Simply book in a demo or sign up straight away and we will get in contact in the next 24 hours!